Les Bois Wines is an international Wine Bar located in downtown Boise, Idaho. Each week we provide our guests with an unpretentious and exciting wine tasting. We hold a themed tasting centered on wines from a specific region, grape, or winemaking technique. Whether you are looking to learn more about wine or a chill environment to meet friends, we offer a welcoming and fun experience. Please join us to learn more about wines from around the world!

You can find us at 813 W Bannock Street in Boise ID.

Hours are:

Wednesday - Thurs: 2pm-8pm,

Fri: 2pm-9pm,

Sat: 2pm- 9pm,

Sun: 2pm-7pm

April 24 - 28th: Alpine wines

May 1st - 5th: Australia vs Austria. This showdown has been a long time coming.

May 8 - 12th: Breaking down the Rhone Valley Blend.

May 15 - 19th: A wine guide to Roman Hedonism.

May 22nd- 26th: A Court of Thorns and Rosés.

We look forward to serving you!

~ Les Bois Wines

If you need to reach us for special events or questions, please slide into my sweet wine DM’s on Instagram here!

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